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Top 10 Cheap Nursing Schools in the Netherlands with Scholarships and Their School Fees

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For those aspiring to pursue a career in nursing, finding a cost-effective and reputable institution is crucial. The Netherlands, known for its high-quality education system, offers several nursing programs that are both affordable and internationally recognized. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the top 10 cheap nursing schools in the Netherlands that provide scholarships and have reasonable school fees. Whether you’re a domestic or international student, these institutions can offer you a solid foundation in nursing, along with financial support to ease your educational journey.

Read Also: Top 10 Cheap Nursing Schools in Switzerland with Scholarships

1) Delft University of Technology

At Delft University of Technology, students interested in the intersection of healthcare and technology can explore nursing-related subjects within its Health Sciences and Technology department. Recognized globally for its innovative research, Delft offers a unique angle on nursing education. 

Tuition is set at €2,143 for EU/EEA students and €18,750 for those from outside the EU/EEA. Financial aid is accessible through the Holland Scholarship and the university’s own scholarship programs, helping to make this esteemed education more attainable for students from diverse financial backgrounds.

Estimated Tuition Fee:  €2,143 for EU/EEA

2) University of Groningen

The University of Groningen’s Bachelor’s in Nursing Science is designed to equip students with essential practical skills and in-depth theoretical knowledge. Tuition for EU/EEA students stands at €2,143 per year, while non-EU/EEA students are required to pay about €12,500. 

To support students financially, the University of Groningen Scholarship is offered, aimed at assisting talented international students in need, thereby enhancing the accessibility of its nursing education to a broader audience.

Estimated Tuition Fee:  €12,500.

3) Breda University of Applied Science

Breda University of Applied Science provides a practical-oriented Nursing program that emphasizes hands-on experiences and real-world application. The institution’s tuition fees are competitively priced at €2,143 for EU/EEA students, with non-EU/EEA students paying around €9,800 annually.

To aid students financially, Breda offers various scholarship options, including the Breda University Scholarship for international students, which helps make this dynamic and practical nursing education more accessible to a global student population.

Estimated Tuition Fee: €2,143 for EU/EEA

4) University of Amsterdam

The University of Amsterdam integrates health sciences and hands-on nursing techniques within its curriculum. Tuition for students from the EU/EEA is modestly priced at €2,143 annually. Meanwhile, students from outside the EU/EEA face a tuition rate of about €12,000. 

To help offset these costs, the institution offers the Amsterdam Merit Scholarships, aimed at exceptionally talented international students. This financial support significantly enhances the affordability of the university’s comprehensive nursing program for students globally.

Estimated Tuition Fee:  €12,000. 

5) Maastricht University

Maastricht University adopts a distinctive problem-based learning approach, particularly suited for the complexities of healthcare education. The tuition fees are affordable, with EU/EEA students charged €2,143 annually, while their non-EU/EEA counterparts incur a cost of €13,800. 

For students hailing from outside the EU/EEA, the UM High Potential Scholarship offers a substantial financial aid package that includes tuition, visa costs, and insurance, making this innovative and interactive nursing education program more accessible to a diverse range of students.

Estimated Tuition Fee:  €13,800.

6) Radboud University

Radboud University, situated in the historic city of Nijmegen, offers a comprehensive nursing program within its Medical and Health Sciences faculty. The program is structured to foster a deep understanding of nursing practices alongside cutting-edge research. For EU/EEA students, the tuition fee is €2,143 per year, whereas non-EU/EEA students are charged €11,466. 

Radboud University assists students financially through the Radboud Scholarship Programme, designed specifically for talented international students, helping to reduce the financial barriers to obtaining a quality nursing education in the Netherlands.

Estimated Tuition Fee: €11,466. 

7) The Hague University of Applied Science

The Hague University of Applied Science offers a forward-thinking nursing program focused on global health challenges and patient care innovation. EU/EEA students benefit from an affordable tuition fee of €2,143, while students from outside the EU/EEA pay approximately €10,000 annually. 

To support its diverse student body, the university provides the World Citizen Talent Scholarship, which is aimed at international students demonstrating outstanding academic performance and a commitment to global health. This initiative makes the program financially accessible, allowing students from various backgrounds to pursue their nursing ambitions in the heart of the Dutch political and international justice scene.

Estimated Tuition Fee: €10,000 annually.

8) Wageningen University and Research

While Wageningen University and Research is renowned for its focus on agricultural sciences, it also provides educational pathways in health sciences, touching on topics relevant to nursing, such as public health and nutrition. The institution sets its tuition at €2,143 for EU/EEA students, with a tuition fee of €12,600 for students coming from outside the EU/EEA. 

For individuals hailing from developing countries, the Anne van den Ban Scholarship Fund offers significant financial support, covering both tuition and living expenses, thereby making it easier for international students to access its specialized programs.

9) University of Twente (UT)

The University of Twente stands out with its health sciences program, emphasizing the integration of technology in healthcare delivery. It offers an appealing financial structure with fees of €2,143 for EU/EEA students and €12,250 for those from non-EU/EEA regions. 

International students, particularly those from outside the EU/EEA, can apply for the UT Scholarship, which provides substantial support by covering a portion or the entirety of the tuition fees. This scholarship is tailored for excellent students, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder access to its innovative nursing education.

Estimated Tuition Fee:  €12,250 

10) Utrecht University

Utrecht University distinguishes itself with a focus on research-driven nursing science, preparing graduates for a broad spectrum of healthcare positions. The annual tuition is €2,143 for EU/EEA residents and €20,686 for students from other regions. To help manage these costs, the Utrecht Excellence Scholarships are available, providing not just tuition coverage but also living expenses for select outstanding international candidates. This comprehensive support makes Utrecht an appealing choice for those seeking an in-depth and financially accessible nursing education.

Estimated Tuition Fee: €2,143


What is the cheapest tuition fee in the Netherlands?

The cheapest tuition fees in the Netherlands can vary depending on the university, program, and level of study. Generally, public universities in the Netherlands offer lower tuition fees compared to private institutions. Additionally, tuition fees for EU/EEA students are typically lower than those for non-EU/EEA students. It’s advisable to research specific universities and programs to find the most affordable options.

Which country is best and cheap to study nursing?

Several countries offer high-quality nursing education at relatively affordable costs. Some popular destinations for studying nursing include the Philippines, India, Malaysia, Thailand, and some European countries like Germany and Norway. The best and cheapest country to study nursing depends on factors such as tuition fees, cost of living, quality of education, and potential for post-graduation employment.

Which country can I study nursing for free?

While some countries offer free or low-cost education for EU/EEA citizens, it’s rare to find completely free education for international students, especially in specialized fields like nursing. However, countries like Germany and Norway offer tuition-free or low-cost education for international students at public universities. Additionally, some scholarship programs may cover tuition fees for nursing students in certain countries.

Is Netherlands expensive for international students?

The cost of living in the Netherlands can be relatively high for international students compared to some other countries. Expenses such as accommodation, food, transportation, healthcare, and leisure activities contribute to the overall cost of living. However, the Netherlands offers various scholarships, part-time job opportunities, and student discounts to help offset expenses for international students.

How much bank balance is required for Netherlands student visa?

The exact amount of bank balance required for a Netherlands student visa may vary depending on factors such as the duration of stay, cost of living, and specific requirements of the Dutch immigration authorities. Typically, international students are required to demonstrate sufficient funds to cover tuition fees, accommodation, and living expenses for the duration of their studies. It’s advisable to check the latest visa requirements and financial criteria on the official website of the Dutch embassy or consulate in your country.



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