Home Scholarships Fully Funded Côte d’Ivoire Scholarships 2024/2025

Fully Funded Côte d’Ivoire Scholarships 2024/2025

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As a rising star on the education landscape, Côte d’Ivoire or the Ivory Coast is turning heads with an impressive lineup of fully funded scholarships for its academically gifted students. In an endeavor to foster talent, numerous scholarships are on offer from both local and international institutions. Whether you are an undergraduate, a master’s student, or pursuing a PhD, there’s a funding opportunity waiting for you.

These comprehensive scholarships take the financial burden off your shoulders by covering not just tuition fees but also accommodation, travel costs, and in certain cases, living expenses. The icing on the cake is that they are not restricted to any specific field of study. So, no matter where your academic interests lie, be it arts or science, humanities or technology, there’s a scholarship tailored just for you.

In this blog post, we will explore the various fully funded scholarships available in Côte d’Ivoire and how you can apply for them. So, if you are a student in Côte d’Ivoire dreaming of a bright future through education, keep reading!

Nottingham Developing Solutions Scholarships

The University of Nottingham, situated in the heart of the UK, presents a beacon of hope for students from the African continent, including those from Côte d’Ivoire, through its Developing Solutions Scholarships. 

Here’s what you need to know about this scholarship program:

  • Eligibility: Open to students domiciled in Côte d’Ivoire who want to pursue a full-time Master’s degree (including MRes) at the University of Nottingham starting in October 2024.
  • Fields of study: Available for programs within the Faculties of Engineering, Medicine & Health Sciences, Science, and Social Sciences.
  • Scholarship value: Covers 50% or 100% of tuition fees, depending on the applicant’s academic merit and development potential.
  • Selection criteria: Based on academic excellence, demonstrated commitment to development in Côte d’Ivoire, and a clear vision for using the chosen Master’s degree to make a positive impact.

Benefits of the Nottingham Developing Solutions Scholarships:

  • Financial support: Allows you to focus on your studies without worrying about tuition fees.
  • World-class education: Gain knowledge and skills from a top-ranked university in the UK.
  • International exposure: Network with students and faculty from around the world.
  • Professional development: Enhance your employability and make a difference in Côte d’Ivoire.

So, if you are an Ivorian student with a vision to effect meaningful change in your country, this scholarship might be the key to unlocking your dream.

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African Development Bank Scholarships

Catering specifically to its member nations, including Côte d’Ivoire, these scholarships are designed to empower the next generation of leaders. Whether your passion lies in economics, management, science or technology, AfDB scholarships provide an excellent opportunity for you to soar high in your chosen postgraduate field.


  • Citizenship: Open to Ivorian students with a valid Ivorian passport.
  • Academic Background: Possess a strong academic record, typically an excellent Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification.
  • Field of Study: Align your desired field of study with the scholarship’s focus areas, such as energy, agriculture, water and sanitation, economic development, etc.
  • Experience: Demonstrate relevant professional experience or a clear commitment to development in your chosen field.
  • Age: Age restrictions may apply for specific programs, so check individual scholarship guidelines.

Application Process:

  • Deadlines: Application deadlines vary for each scholarship program. Typically, they fall between January and March, but some like the African Water and Sanitation Award might have deadlines in September or October. Stay vigilant!
  • Application Portal: Submit your application electronically through the AfDB Scholarships Portal: https://www.wemakescholars.com/.
  • Required Documents: Prepare and upload all necessary documents, including academic transcripts, certificates, letters of recommendation, a detailed CV, and a compelling motivation letter outlining your academic goals, development aspirations, and how the scholarship aligns with your vision.

What’s more? The AfDB scholarships are not just about financing your tuition fees. They go a step further, covering your living expenses and research costs too. This comprehensive funding scheme ensures that you can focus on your academics, without the looming worry of financial constraints.

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Ivorian Government Scholarships

Fully-funded scholarships aren’t only the domain of international institutions and universities, the Ivorian government also steps up to the plate in supporting its academically talented citizens. Recognizing the importance of education in driving national development, the government extends a generous helping hand to its future leaders, scholars, and innovators.

Scholarship Types:

  • General scholarships: Funded by the Ivorian government for various fields of study at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
  • Sector-specific scholarships: Focused on specific areas like agriculture, health, engineering, or education, often in partnership with international organizations.
  • Needs-based scholarships: Available to students from disadvantaged backgrounds who demonstrate academic potential and financial need.


  • Ivorian citizenship: Applicants must be Ivorian citizens with valid passports.
  • Academic merit: Strong academic performance in previous studies is often required.
  • Financial need: Some scholarships prioritize students with demonstrated financial need.
  • Field of study: Specific requirements might exist for sector-specific scholarships.
  • Age: Age restrictions may apply for certain programs.

Application Process:

  • Deadlines: Vary depending on the scholarship program, but generally fall between November and March.
  • Application portal: Usually through the official website of the Ivorian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS) or the specific awarding organization.
  • Required documents: Prepare academic transcripts, diplomas, certificates, letters of recommendation, a detailed CV, and a compelling motivation letter outlining your academic goals and how the scholarship aligns with your aspirations.

This means you can truly focus on your studies without the burden of financial concerns. Whether your academic journey takes you within the beautiful landscapes of Côte d’Ivoire or leads you to international shores, these scholarships have got your back.

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Bristol University Think Big Scholarships

From humanities to science, the scholarship opens the door to both undergraduate and postgraduate programs, so no matter where your academic inclinations lie, Bristol University has a place for you. What’s more, it completely covers the full tuition fees, ensuring you can concentrate on reaching your academic potential without fretting over finances.


  • Ivorian citizenship: Open to students with Ivorian citizenship and a valid passport.
  • Academic excellence: Demonstrate strong academic performance in your previous studies.
  • Field of study: Applicable to undergraduate and postgraduate programs offered by Bristol University.
  • Financial need: Some scholarships prioritize students with demonstrated financial need.

Application Process:

  • Deadlines: Applications for undergraduate scholarships close on February 26th, 2024, and postgraduate scholarships on April 29th, 2024.
  • Application portal: Submit your application electronically via the Bristol University International Scholarships online application form.
  • Required documents: Prepare academic transcripts, diplomas, certificates, letters of recommendation, a detailed CV, and a compelling motivation letter highlighting your academic goals, leadership potential, and how the Think Big Scholarship aligns with your aspirations.

To become a part of the prestigious Bristol University community, applicants need more than just top grades. They must showcase not just academic excellence, but also the ability and drive to significantly contribute to the university community and beyond. If you’re an Ivorian student who believes they can think big and have the potential to create a wave of change, this is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.

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How do I apply for a fully funded scholarship?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, as application processes vary for different scholarships. However, there’s a general roadmap:

  1. Research: Explore scholarship databases like Scholarships4Dev, WeMakeScholars, or The Scholarship Hub.
  2. Find relevant scholarships: Filter by eligibility, field of study, and funding level.
  3. Meet the criteria: Carefully review the eligibility requirements and ensure you comply.
  4. Prepare documents: Gather academic transcripts, certificates, letters of recommendation, and a compelling motivation letter.
  5. Apply on time: Submit your application before the deadline through the appropriate portal.
  6. Stay connected: Check for updates and follow instructions from the scholarship provider.

Remember: Be proactive, showcase your achievements, and write a strong motivation letter highlighting your goals and how the scholarship aligns with your vision.

Which country gives full scholarships?

Many countries offer fully funded scholarships for international students, including:

  • Italy: Italian Government Scholarships & MAECI Scholarships (fully funded for selected programs).
  • Germany: DAAD Scholarships & Humboldt Research Fellowships (full funding options available).
  • Netherlands: Orange Tulip Scholarship & Leiden University Excellence Scholarships (full tuition coverage).
  • Sweden: Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals (full funding possibilities).
  • Canada: Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships & Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships (full funding awarded in some cases).

This is just a snapshot; explore scholarship databases for more opportunities tailored to your interests and background.

How to apply for Queen Elizabeth scholarship?

There are multiple Queen Elizabeth scholarships, so specify which one you’re interested in. Some popular options include:

Research the specific program you’re interested in and follow the application instructions provided by the relevant authority.

What is the fully funded scholarship for international students in 2024 in Italy?

Several options exist! Here are a few:

  • Italian Government Scholarships (Masters & PhD): Offers monthly stipends, tuition coverage, and health insurance for selected programs. Application deadline usually in March.
  • MAECI Scholarships (Masters & PhD): Similar to Italian Government Scholarships, with a focus on specific thematic areas. Application deadline usually in March.
  • Euraxess Italy Postdoctoral Fellowships: Fully funded for research stays in Italian universities. Application deadline varies depending on the research field.

Remember, deadlines have likely passed for 2023-2024, but you can start preparing for next year’s applications!

Who is eligible for the Hungary Scholarship 2023?

Eligibility for Hungary scholarships varies depending on the specific program. Common requirements include:

  • Nationality: Open to students from specific countries or regions (check individual scholarship details).
  • Academic excellence: Strong academic performance in previous studies.
  • Field of study: Aligned with the scholarship’s focus areas.
  • Age: May have specific age restrictions.

For the latest information, consult the official website of the Hungarian Scholarship Board: https://www.tka.hu/international-programmes/2966/stipendium-hungaricum.


Embarking on a journey of higher education, especially abroad, can be daunting when financial constraints are factored in. However, with the myriad of fully funded scholarships available to students from Côte d’Ivoire, the seemingly insurmountable obstacle of financing can be overcome. As outlined in this post, these scholarships are not restricted to certain fields or levels of study but rather span across a variety of disciplines and academic stages.

Therefore, Ivorian students, don’t let the hurdle of financing dampen your academic aspirations. Instead, take this as an invitation to dream big, to strive for excellence, and to make your mark in the world. After all, every great journey begins with a single step, and yours could very well start with one of these scholarships. Dare to dream, dare to achieve, and watch as these fully funded scholarships help turn your academic dreams into reality.

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