Home Scholarships Fully Funded Italy Scholarships 2024/2025

Fully Funded Italy Scholarships 2024/2025

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For students looking to study in Italy, there are numerous scholarships available that fully fund their studies. Such scholarships are not limited to just tuition fees but also cover living expenses. This means students can focus on their academics without worrying about financial burdens. 

A variety of Italian universities, including but not limited to the University of Bologna, University of Padua, Bocconi University, and the University of Milan, offer these fully-funded scholarships.

Keep reading to find out more about these incredible opportunities.

University of Bologna Scholarship

The University of Bologna has a long and distinguished history, and it is committed to making its educational opportunities accessible to all. To this end, it offers a variety of fully funded scholarships, including the University of Bologna Study Grant. This scholarship is open to international students, regardless of nationality, who are seeking to enroll in a degree program at the university.  


  • Enrolled in a specific program: These scholarships are exclusive to students accepted into designated Master’s degrees or research projects.
  • Academic and research excellence: Outstanding academic records and relevant research experience are often required.
  • Nationality or region: Some programs offer scholarships specifically for students from certain countries or regions.

How to Apply:

Once you’ve identified scholarships aligned with your profile, it’s time to embark on the application journey:

  • Research deadlines: Each scholarship has its own application deadline, typically falling between November and March.
  • Prepare required documents: Gather transcripts, test scores, letters of recommendation, financial documents (for need-based scholarships), and essays.
  • Craft compelling essays: Tailor your essays to each scholarship, showcasing your academic goals, achievements, and financial need (if applicable).
  • Submit complete applications: Ensure all required documents are uploaded or received before the deadline through the university’s online portal.
  • Stay informed: Check your email and the scholarship website for updates on your application status.

This scholarship is not just an opportunity to study in Italy; it’s an invitation to experience a unique blend of rich heritage and modern education. So, gear up, the University of Bologna awaits you!

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University of Padua scholarships

As part of this mission, the university offers a variety of fully funded scholarships, opening doors to educational opportunities that may have seemed out of reach. If you are considering a degree program at the University of Padua, you may be eligible for one of these highly competitive scholarships.


  • Academic excellence: Stellar high school diplomas or university transcripts showcasing exceptional grades are paramount.
  • Standardized test scores: Excellent results on SAT, ACT, or other relevant exams can strengthen your application.
  • Awards and achievements: Demonstrating academic prowess through research projects, competitions, or leadership roles shines brightly.
  • Motivation and potential: Compelling essays revealing your passion for learning and future aspirations set you apart.
  • Demonstrated financial hardship: Provide income statements and relevant documents documenting financial need.
  • Academic standing: While need takes center stage, maintaining good academic performance remains crucial.
  • Specific criteria: Some scholarships cater to students from specific countries, ethnicities, or backgrounds.

How to Apply:

Identified scholarships aligned with your profile? It’s time to embark on the application journey:

  • Research deadlines: Each scholarship has its own deadline, typically falling between November and March.
  • Gather documents: Organize transcripts, test scores, letters of recommendation, financial documents (for need-based scholarships), and essays.
  • Craft compelling essays: Tailor your essays to each scholarship, showcasing your academic goals, achievements, and financial need (if applicable).
  • Submit applications: Ensure all documents are uploaded or received before the deadline through the university’s online portal.
  • Stay informed: Regularly check your email and the scholarship website for updates on your application status.

A fully funded education at the University of Padua offers more than a degree; it provides a chance to live and learn in a city steeped in history and culture, all the while being part of a forward-thinking academic community. Your Italian educational adventure is just a scholarship application away, with the University of Padua eagerly awaiting your arrival. Don’t hesitate – start your application today, and take the first steps towards your future in Italy!

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University of Milan scholarships

These fully-funded scholarships, open to all nationalities, focus on nurturing talent and academic excellence, irrespective of the student’s financial background. They completely cover the tuition fees and provide ample support for living expenses, allowing you to immerse yourself in your studies and Milanese life without the stress of financial constraints. The university seeks applicants who are academically gifted and motivated to contribute to their field of study, fostering an enriching and supportive environment for every student.


  • Open to incoming Master’s degree students only.
  • No separate application required. You’ll automatically be considered for the scholarship if you apply for admission to a Master’s program by the deadline (May 31, 2025, for the 2025/2025 academic year).
  • Selection is based on academic merit, as assessed during the Master’s program admission process.


  • Two types of scholarships:
    • 55 fully-funded scholarships: These cover €6,000 towards living expenses and include full tuition fee exemption.
    • 100 partial scholarships: These provide full tuition fee exemption only.
  • Scholarship recipients are notified via email in July.

This opportunity to study in Italy, surrounded by its rich heritage, and being a part of the bustling city of Milan, awaits you at the University of Milan. Your journey to a rewarding academic and personal growth experience in Italy could just be an application away. Don’t wait, step up to this exciting opportunity and apply now!

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Can I get a 100% scholarship in Italy?

Yes, it is possible to get a 100% scholarship in Italy, also known as fully funded scholarships. Several options exist, including:

  • University of Milan Excellence Scholarships: Offering 55 full scholarships covering €6,000 living expenses and tuition fees for incoming Master’s students.
  • MAECI grants: Funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, these grants are available to students from various countries based on merit and financial need.
  • Educational Corridors: Collaborations between the University of Milan and organizations like Caritas Ambrosiana offer full scholarships for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Regional and University Scholarships: Italian universities offer merit-based and need-based scholarships for domestic and international students, varying in coverage.

How can I get a full scholarship in Italy?

There’s no guaranteed path, but these tips can increase your chances:

  • Meet Eligibility Requirements: Carefully check individual scholarship criteria like academic records, program of study, nationality, and financial need.
  • Apply Early: Most scholarships have deadlines (April-May for some), so plan ahead and submit applications promptly.
  • Showcase Academic Excellence: Highlight your highest grades, research experience, publications, and awards in your application.
  • Demonstrate Financial Need: Provide relevant documents proving financial hardship if required for specific scholarships.
  • Strengthen your Application: Craft a compelling personal statement explaining your study goals and motivation for the scholarship.
  • Consider English Language Requirements: While some scholarships don’t require IELTS, many still do. Check specific requirements and prepare if needed.

Is Italy fully funded scholarship 2024 without IELTS?

It depends on the specific scholarship. While some like the University of Milan Excellence Scholarships require IELTS, others offered by universities or external organizations might not. Always check individual scholarship requirements for confirmation.

What are fully funded 2024-2025 scholarships for developing countries Italy?

Several scholarships aim to support students from developing countries studying in Italy. These include:

  • MAECI grants: Specifically reserved for applicants from developing countries facing economic hardship.
  • Educational Corridors: Focused on students from countries experiencing conflict or political instability.
  • World Bank Scholarships: For students from developing countries pursuing relevant Master’s or PhD programs.
  • University-specific scholarships: Check individual universities’ websites for scholarships targeted at students from developing nations.

What is the Italy fully funded scholarship 2024?

The Italy fully funded scholarship 2024 refers to the range of scholarships offered by the Italian government and various universities in Italy. These scholarships are available to international students from all over the world who wish to pursue a degree in Italy. The scholarships typically cover the cost of tuition fees, as well as providing financial support for living expenses. The Italy fully funded scholarship 2024 is a fantastic opportunity for students looking to study in this beautiful and culturally rich country.


Seizing the opportunity to study in Italy – a country enriched with culture, history, and academic prestige – is a monumental step towards fulfilling your educational aspirations. With the fully funded scholarships provided by renowned Italian universities such as the University of Bologna, University of Padua, Bocconi University, and the University of Milan, the door to an Italian education is wide open. These scholarships not only make a high-quality education financially accessible but also allow you to immerse yourself in the vibrant Italian lifestyle without financial concerns. The rigorous application processes and competitive selection might seem challenging, but remember, the rewards far outweigh the effort.

In conclusion, let these scholarships be your passport to not only a fully-funded education but also to an enriching cultural and personal growth journey in Italy. Now, it’s time to seize the day, embrace the opportunity, and take the first step towards your Italian dream. The power to shape your future is in your hands, and the picturesque landscapes, rich heritage, and prestigious universities of Italy are just an application away. So, gather your documents, set your ambitions high, and embark on the journey of turning your Italian educational dream into reality. Buona fortuna – good luck!

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