Home Scholarships Fully Funded Madagascar Scholarships 2024/2025

Fully Funded Madagascar Scholarships 2024/2025

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If you’re looking to further your studies in a unique and culturally rich destination, consider applying for a fully funded scholarship in Madagascar. The scholarships available are designed to provide students with the opportunity to study in this beautiful country, with financial support for tuition, living expenses, and travel.

The application process is straightforward, and scholarships are available for a range of fields of study. So, don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to study in Madagascar!

JPMorgan Chase Advancing Hispanics and Latinos Software Engineering Fellowship Program 2024

The future of software engineering is bright, and it shines even brighter for students in Madagascar thanks to the JPMorgan Chase Advancing Hispanics and Latinos Software Engineering Fellowship Program. Set to commence in 2024, this fully-funded fellowship is an extraordinary launchpad for those passionate about the tech world. 


  • Must be a sophomore student enrolled in an accredited U.S. college or university.
  • Identify as Hispanic/Latino.
  • Demonstrated strong academic performance and technical skills.
  • Passion for software engineering and interest in a career at JPMorgan Chase.

Application Process:

  • Applications are typically open from October to November.
  • Application details, including deadlines and required materials, are usually posted on the JPMorgan Chase Careers website.
  • Prepare for potential essays, letters of recommendation, and transcripts.
  • Demonstrating leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills is crucial.

The fellowship is not merely a financial aid – it’s an investment in your future, opening doors to immense opportunities and empowering you to make a mark in the software engineering field. So, to all tech-savvy students in Madagascar, it’s time to gear up for this remarkable journey!

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Al Qasimi Foundation Seed Grants Start-up Funding 2024

The Al Qasimi Foundation Seed Grants Start-up Funding is ready to turn your entrepreneurial aspirations into a reality. Launching in 2024, this program offers more than just funding—it’s an immersive experience that promises to cultivate budding entrepreneurs from Madagascar. 

Grant Funding:

  • Up to AED 50,000 awarded per project.
  • Funds allocated based on the proposal’s budget and can be used for various purposes such as travel, research assistance, equipment, translation services, event hosting, and printed materials.

Application Process:

  • Submissions open early November 2023 and close on March 1, 2024.
  • Applicants must create an account on the Foundation’s grant management portal and follow the Seed Grant application instructions.
  • Required materials include a completed application form, curriculum vitae, a compelling research proposal (max. 10 pages), and a letter of recommendation.

This fully funded scholarship is much more than financial aid. It’s a launchpad that propels you into the world of entrepreneurship, equipping you with the tools to make a real difference. So, if you’re an ambitious student in Madagascar with a great business concept, don’t let this opportunity pass you by. It’s time to dust off your business plans and set your entrepreneurial journey in motion!

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Khalifa University International Students Postgraduate Scholarship in UAE 2024

For students from Madagascar, the Khalifa University International Students Postgraduate Scholarship provides a chance to fulfill your academic ambitions on a global stage. With its sights set on 2024, this scholarship will welcome the next generation of scholars and researchers to the UAE. Offering a world-class education in a cutting-edge research environment, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make your mark. Get ready to take on the world and make your dreams a reality.

Types of Scholarships:

  • Tier I (Full-Time only): Full coverage of tuition fees, higher monthly stipend, and additional allowances for research conferences. Requires a commitment to work with Khalifa University after graduation.
  • Tier II: 75% tuition waiver, standard monthly stipend, and support for attending international conferences. Requires a commitment to work with Khalifa University after graduation.
  • Tier III: No tuition waiver, standard monthly stipend, and support for attending international conferences. No commitment required after graduation.

Application Process:

  • Applications typically open in October-November and close in February each year.
  • Submit your application through the Khalifa University website: https://www.ku.ac.ae/scholarships
  • Required documents include:
    • Completed application form.
    • Academic transcripts and certificates.
    • Standardized test scores (if applicable).
    • Letters of recommendation.

For those in Madagascar with a passion for research and learning, the Khalifa University International Students Postgraduate Scholarship is an unparalleled opportunity. Not only does it cover the entire cost of tuition, but it also offers a monthly stipend, health insurance, and even travel allowances. But the best part? The chance to be a part of a vibrant international community and make discoveries that will change the world.

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University of Otago Doctoral Scholarships for International Students 2024

Picture yourself on the breathtaking islands of New Zealand, part of the esteemed academic community at the University of Otago. This opportunity is now within reach, thanks to their fully funded doctoral scholarships for international students. That’s right! As a scholar from Madagascar, you are on their radar.


  • Open to both domestic and international students seeking their first doctoral qualification.
  • Applicants must be academically qualified for their chosen doctoral program.
  • There may be specific eligibility criteria for individual PhD programs, so check with the respective program coordinator.

Application Process:

  • Applications typically open in March and close in May each year.
  • Apply online through the University of Otago scholarships website: https://www.otago.ac.nz/future-students/fees-and-scholarships/scholarships
  • Required documents include:
    • Completed application form.
    • Academic transcripts and certificates.
    • Research proposal (approximately 5 pages).
    • Curriculum vitae.
    • Letters of recommendation.
    • English language proficiency test scores (if applicable).

So, are you ready to turn this dream into a reality? Remember, the University of Otago is not just a destination; it’s the beginning of an extraordinary academic adventure. Get ready to embark on a journey where you don’t just study but make ground-breaking discoveries that resonate across the globe. Your doctoral journey in New Zealand is waiting!

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How do you get a 100% scholarship?

There’s no guaranteed formula, but these tips can increase your chances:

  • Academic excellence: Maintain a high GPA, demonstrate strong test scores, and excel in your coursework.
  • Leadership potential: Get involved in extracurricular activities, hold leadership positions, and contribute to your community.
  • Compelling application: Craft a clear and impactful personal statement highlighting your achievements, goals, and why you deserve the scholarship.
  • Extensive application: Research and apply to multiple programs aligned with your profile to increase your chances.
  • Meeting deadlines: Submit applications meticulously and well in advance.

Remember, competition is fierce. Focus on your strengths, achievements, and commitment to your field to stand out

Which country is easiest for full scholarships?

There’s no “easiest” country, as it depends on several factors:

  • Your academic background: Scholarships cater to specific fields and academic levels.
  • Chosen field of study: Some fields have more funding opportunities than others.
  • Chosen country: Each country has its own scholarship landscape and requirements.
  • Specific scholarship program: Each program has unique eligibility criteria and funding options.

Instead of seeking the “easiest” option, focus on programs where your profile aligns with the criteria

Which country has the most scholarships?

Several countries offer numerous scholarship opportunities, such as:

  • Germany: DAAD scholarships for international students.
  • Norway: Quota Scholarships for master’s studies.
  • Sweden: Swedish Institute scholarships for global professionals.
  • Netherlands: Orange Scholarships for talented international students.
  • USA: Fulbright Scholarship Program for international students.

However, “most” doesn’t necessarily mean “best.” Explore options based on your interests and qualifications

Are there fully funded scholarships?

Yes, many scholarships cover tuition, living expenses, and even travel costs. They often have specific requirements like academic excellence, research potential, or commitment to working in a particular field after graduation. Research different programs and their benefits to find the best fit for your needs.

Which country is best for full free scholarships?

The “best” country depends on your individual goals, field of study, and preferences. Research countries with scholarship programs aligned with your aspirations, considering factors like program quality, living costs, and career opportunities. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, so tailor your search to your specific needs.


With an array of fully funded scholarships tailored to accommodate a diverse spectrum of academic interests and professional pursuits, students in Madagascar are truly standing at the cusp of unprecedented opportunities. 

So, if you’re a student in Madagascar, remember, these opportunities are yours for the taking. Don’t let financial constraints hold you back from reaching for the stars. Apply for these scholarships, take the leap, and watch as your academic dreams unfold into reality. In the grand scheme of your academic journey, this is but a stepping stone. Take the step, seize the opportunity, and let your educational journey take flight! Never forget, the key to the golden door of freedom is education, and with these scholarships, that key is well within your grasp. It’s time to unlock your potential and step into the world of endless possibilities. Dare to dream big, for your future awaits!


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