Home Scholarships Fully Funded Monaco Scholarships 2024/2025

Fully Funded Monaco Scholarships 2024/2025

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If you’re seeking an extraordinary educational experience, look no further than the Principality of Monaco. In addition to its spectacular scenery and vibrant culture, this European paradise offers a wealth of fully funded scholarships for both local and international students. 

From the Monaco government’s scholarship grants to the Papyrus Association’s funding opportunities, there’s something for everyone. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey of learning and discovery in the heart of Europe.

Monaco Government Scholarship Grants

The Monaco Government Scholarship Grants are an unparalleled opportunity for students from all over the world. Not only do they cover the cost of tuition and living expenses, but they also include travel expenses, making this program a truly unique and valuable resource. It’s more than just a scholarship – it’s a chance to experience the world-class education system of Monaco, while also gaining a global perspective on life. If you’re looking for an opportunity to broaden your horizons, this is it.


  • Full or partial tuition coverage for studies in Monaco or abroad.
  • Monthly stipend for living expenses in Monaco or abroad.
  • Additional support for research projects or special needs may be available.
  • Access to high-quality education in a vibrant and international environment.

Application Process:

  • Varies depending on the scholarship program.
  • Typically involves online application submission with required documents.
  • Deadlines fall between February and April for most programs.
  • Contact the Ministry of Youth, Education, and Sports for specific details: https://monservicepublic.gouv.mc/

These grants extend across a spectrum of academic disciplines and education levels, from undergraduate to doctoral programs. The objective is simple yet profound – to create a vibrant educational atmosphere that encourages global consciousness and fosters intercultural understanding. 

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Chevening Scholarships 

the Chevening Scholarships! These prestigious awards offer a fantastic opportunity for outstanding emerging leaders from all over the world to pursue one-year master’s degrees in the UK. To help you navigate the application process and maximize your chances of success, I can provide information on various aspects of the Chevening Scholarships:


  • Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country or territory.
  • Returned to your country of citizenship for a minimum of two years after your award ends.
  • Completed all components of an undergraduate degree that will enable you to gain entry onto a postgraduate programme at a UK university by the time you submit your application.
  • Have at least two years (equivalent to 2,800 hours) of work experience.


  • Tuition fees: Chevening Scholarships are fully-funded, covering your university tuition fees.
  • Monthly stipend: You’ll receive a monthly stipend to cover living expenses while studying in the UK.
  • Travel costs: Your travel costs to and from the UK are covered by the scholarship.
  • Arrival and departure allowances: You’ll receive additional allowances to help you settle into and leave the UK.
  • Visa application cost: The cost of your visa application for studying in the UK is covered.
  • Travel grant: You’ll receive a travel grant to attend Chevening events in the UK.

Application Process:

  • Applications are typically open from July to November each year.
  • The application process involves submitting an online application form, required documents, and references.
  • You’ll also need to complete an online assessment and, if shortlisted, attend an interview.

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How can I study in Monaco for free?

Complete freedom from costs might be challenging, but several pathways can significantly reduce your financial burden:

  • Scholarships:
    • Monaco Government Scholarships: These offer full or partial tuition coverage for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Monaco or abroad.
    • Papyrus Association Scholarships: These support students in specific fields like health, computer science, and engineering.
    • International Scholarships: Explore programs like DAAD (Germany), Fulbright (USA), or Chevening (UK) based on your field and nationality.
  • Work-Study Options: International students can work part-time while studying with a valid work permit, easing living expenses.
  • Cost-Effective Alternatives: Consider less expensive university housing options or shared accommodations to bring down living costs.

Which country is easiest to get a full scholarship?

There’s no single “easiest” country, as it depends on various factors like your field, background, and chosen programs. However, some countries offer generous scholarship opportunities:

  • Germany: DAAD scholarships boast full funding for several postgraduate programs.
  • Norway: Quota Fellowships support PhD research in diverse areas.
  • Sweden: Swedish Institute scholarships back international students at postgraduate and doctoral levels.
  • Mexico: CONACYT and PROALMEX programs offer full postgraduate funding in specific fields.

Remember, strong applications tailored to program requirements can significantly increase your chances anywhere.

How do you get a 100% scholarship?

There’s no guaranteed formula, but dedication and strategic planning can enhance your chances:

  • Research and target relevant scholarships: Align your goals with program objectives and focus on opportunities specifically for your field and nationality.
  • Meet eligibility criteria: Carefully review requirements and ensure you fulfill them all without exception.
  • Craft a compelling application: Highlight academic achievements, research interests, and potential contribution to your field.
  • Proofread and polish your application: Eliminate errors and present a professional image.
  • Seek guidance: Utilize universities, scholarship platforms, and relevant organizations for advice and support.

A strong application showcasing your potential as a future scholar can significantly boost your chances in any country.

How much does it cost to study in Monaco?

Costs can vary depending on your lifestyle, accommodation choices, and specific program fees. However, expect tuition fees to range from €10,000 to €20,000 per year for undergraduate studies and €15,000 to €30,000 for postgraduate programs. Living expenses, including accommodation, food, and transportation, can add another €15,000 to €25,000 per year.

Is Monaco expensive for international students?

Compared to most European countries, Monaco is undeniably expensive. However, with scholarships, careful budgeting, and work-study options, studying there can become more manageable. Remember, the experience and educational opportunities might outweigh the financial hurdles for some students.


Stepping into the world of academic excellence is a journey, and fully funded scholarships can be the compass guiding you to your destination. With opportunities offered by the Monaco Government Scholarship Grants, the Papyrus Association, and the Monaco Foundation, the opportunity to study in the stunning city-state of Monaco is not only a dream but a real possibility. 

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