Home Scholarships Fully Funded Morocco Scholarships 2024/2025

Fully Funded Morocco Scholarships 2024/2025

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Morocco offers an abundance of scholarship opportunities for students of all levels, from undergraduate to postdoctoral studies. As a country with a rich history and culture, it also takes pride in supporting the next generation of scholars and researchers. 

With a range of programs available, there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re looking to study in Morocco or abroad, these scholarships can make your dreams a reality.

GSLS Travel Fellowships by the University of Würzburg 

For students looking to make a difference in the world of academia, the GSLS Travel Fellowships provide a one-of-a-kind opportunity. Funded by the University of Würzburg, these fellowships offer a gateway to the vibrant academic environment of Morocco. With opportunities for all levels of students, the fellowship is open to anyone with a passion for learning. If you’re seeking to expand your horizons and challenge yourself intellectually, this is the scholarship for you.


  • GSLS doctoral researchers in all life sciences disciplines are eligible to apply.
  • Applicants must be actively participating in the conference, workshop, or research stay (e.g., giving a talk or presenting a poster).
  • There is no nationality restriction.


  • The maximum funding amount is €2,000 per fellowship.
  • The actual amount awarded will be based on the estimated costs of the travel and participation.
  • GSLS doctoral researchers who are also registered with the Faculty of Medicine can receive up to €500 per fellowship.

Application process

  • Applications are submitted online.
  • The application deadline is December 31st of each year.
  • Required application materials include:
    • A statement of motivation
    • Details about the conference, workshop, or research stay
    • Estimated or actual costs
    • Current CV with publication record
    • Reference letter from your primary supervisor

Particularly targeted at students interested in Life Sciences, the GSLS Travel Fellowships provide an exclusive gateway to an enriching and exciting academic adventure. So, if you’re a bright mind looking to push the boundaries of knowledge and research, this could be your chance to make a mark in the academic world.  

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Royal Society International Exchange Programme

This prestigious program offers the opportunity to connect with researchers from Morocco and beyond, providing invaluable experience and knowledge. 

How to Apply:

  1. Choose the right scheme: Carefully review the different schemes (Standard, Cost Share, Global Round) and ensure your project aligns with their criteria and funding limitations.
  2. Find a collaborator: Identify a leading scientist from your desired country of collaboration and establish initial contact to discuss your research alignment and potential partnership.
  3. Prepare your application: Download the relevant application form and guidelines from the Royal Society website.
  4. Write a compelling proposal: Focus on the novelty and significance of your collaboration, emphasizing how it will benefit both countries’ scientific advancements.
  5. Include required documents: Gather all necessary supporting documents, such as CVs, letters of collaboration, cost breakdowns, and institutional approvals.
  6. Submit before the deadline: Ensure your complete application reaches the Royal Society before the relevant deadline (typically January or February).

This fully funded scholarship, spanning across two years, is a golden opportunity that encourages budding Moroccan scientists to engage in research collaborations with their counterparts in the UK.

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Leakey Foundation Research Grants

The Leakey Foundation steps into the spotlight with its research grants, dedicated to fueling the passion of students venturing into the field of human origins. If you’re a Moroccan student standing on the threshold of this exciting academic domain, this could be your golden ticket. 


  • Applicants must be affiliated with accredited academic or research institutions.
  • Research projects should align with the Leakey Foundation’s funding priorities and focus on human origins, evolution, or behavior.
  • Different eligibility criteria apply to each grant program, so carefully review the specific guidelines before applying.

Application Process:

  • Applications are submitted online through the Leakey Foundation website.
  • Deadlines for Research Grants are January 10th and July 15th annually. Other programs may have different deadlines.
  • Required application materials typically include a research proposal, budget, CV, and letters of recommendation.

The grants are specially designed to cover a wide range of expenses, from field and laboratory research costs to travel expenses associated with getting you to your research sites. The driving force behind these grants is the foundation’s desire to empower and back students who are just beginning their research journey.  

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How can I get a scholarship in Morocco?

There are several ways to get a scholarship in Morocco:

  • Government Scholarships: The Moroccan government offers scholarships for international students through programs like the “Morocco Scholarships” and the “Hassan II Scholarship Program.” Check the Ministry of Higher Education website for details and deadlines.
  • University Scholarships: Many Moroccan universities offer their own scholarships, often focused on specific academic fields or student backgrounds. Contact the admissions office of your target university for information.
  • International Scholarships: Numerous international organizations and private foundations offer scholarships for studying in Morocco. Research options like the Erasmus Mundus program, the French government’s Eiffel Excellence Scholarship, or Fulbright scholarships.
  • Financial Need-Based Aid: Some universities and scholarship programs consider financial need as a factor. Provide relevant documentation demonstrating your financial situation when applying.

How do you get a 100% scholarship?

Getting a full scholarship in Morocco is competitive, but certainly possible. Focus on:

  • Excellent academic performance: Strong grades and standardized test scores are crucial.
  • Stand out from the crowd: Showcase your skills and achievements through extracurricular activities, research experience, or relevant awards.
  • Tailor your application: Show how your background and goals align with the specific scholarship criteria.
  • Research thoroughly: Identify scholarships targeted towards your field, country, and financial need.
  • Demonstrate financial need: Provide solid proof of your financial limitations if need-based aid is available.

Which country is easiest to get a full scholarship?

There’s no “easiest” country, as difficulty varies based on your profile, country choices, and specific scholarships. However, some countries like Germany (DAAD program), Sweden, Norway, and Finland offer numerous fully funded scholarships, especially for merit-based candidates.

How much does it cost to study in Morocco?

Costs vary depending on university, program, and lifestyle. Public universities are generally cheaper than private ones, with tuition fees ranging from $2,000 to $8,000 per year. Living expenses can add another $500-$1,000 per month.

How much money do I need in Morocco for a week?

Budgeting around $600-$1,000 per week can cover basic expenses like budget accommodation, food, local transport, and some sightseeing. Costs can increase for fancier hotels, restaurants, and travel experiences.

Remember, careful research, strong application materials, and perseverance can increase your chances of securing a scholarship in Morocco. Don’t hesitate to contact universities, scholarship programs, and relevant organizations for guidance and opportunities.


In the realm of academia, Morocco’s fully-funded scholarships unlock doors that might otherwise remain closed. More than a financial lifeline, these programs offer a springboard to global exposure, in-depth training, and international collaboration. Whether you’re a Moroccan scholar or an international student drawn by the allure of Morocco’s vibrant academic culture, these scholarships are tools that can help carve your path towards academic excellence and innovative research. Harness the power of these opportunities, apply to these programs, and immerse yourself in the rich, academically stimulating environment that Morocco promises. The future of your academic journey and research career awaits, illuminated by the brilliance of Moroccan scholarships. Dive in and let these programs elevate you to new scholarly heights.

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