Home Scholarships Fully Funded Pakistan Scholarships 2024/2025

Fully Funded Pakistan Scholarships 2024/2025

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Pakistani students looking to pursue higher education may face numerous financial challenges. However, there are several fully funded scholarship opportunities available to help them achieve their goals. From the HEC Need-Based Scholarships to the Aga Khan Foundation Scholarships, there are a range of options available. So, let’s explore these opportunities and how to take advantage of them. With the right support, your academic future can be bright.

Pakistan-Australia Alumni Scholarship

This prestigious scholarship aims to support the education of talented Pakistani students in Australia. With opportunities to study in a variety of disciplines, this scholarship is a gateway to new horizons. So, if you’re ready to broaden your academic and cultural horizons, then this is the scholarship for you. Embrace the promise of a bright future in Australia.


  • Citizenship: You must be a citizen of Pakistan.
  • Academic Excellence: Possess a strong academic record, typically with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) in your bachelor’s degree.
  • Work Experience: Demonstrate at least two years of relevant professional experience after graduation.
  • English Language Proficiency: Showcase your English language skills through standardized tests like TOEFL or IELTS (minimum scores may apply).
  • Field of Study: Align your proposed field of study with current development priorities in Pakistan, as outlined by the program (e.g., agriculture, infrastructure, education).


  • Deadlines Matter: Stay attuned to the application deadlines, typically falling between February and May of the preceding year. Don’t miss out!
  • Online Portal: Navigate the online application portal with care, diligently completing each section and providing accurate information.
  • Personal Statement: This is your chance to shine! Weave a compelling narrative showcasing your academic aspirations, professional goals, how your chosen field aligns with Pakistan’s development needs, and how the scholarship empowers your vision.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Seek support from respected individuals who can vouch for your academic abilities, relevant work experience, leadership potential, and commitment to contributing to Pakistan’s development.
  • Additional Documents: Prepare and submit all required documents such as transcripts, test scores, CV, official proof of work experience, and any field-specific requirements.

It’s not just about tuition, though. This comprehensive scholarship covers the full spectrum of your academic journey, from your airfare and living expenses to even the mandatory Overseas Student Health Cover.  

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Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Program

If you have a burning desire to further your postgraduate studies, look no further than the Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Program. This robust scholarship caters specifically to students hailing from Pakistan, among other select nations. 


  • Citizenship: You must be a citizen of a country listed on the AKF ISP website.
  • Academic Excellence: Possess a strong academic record, typically with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) in your bachelor’s degree.
  • Financial Need: Demonstrate genuine financial need and be unable to finance your studies without the scholarship.
  • Field of Study: Align your proposed field with development priorities in your home country and with AKF’s areas of focus (education, rural development, etc.).
  • Work Experience: Some programs may require relevant work experience after graduation.


  • Deadlines: Applications are typically open between June and July of the year preceding your desired intake. Don’t miss out!
  • Online Application: Submit your application electronically through the AKF ISP website.
  • Documents: Prepare and upload all required documents such as transcripts, test scores, CV, proof of financial need, and reference letters.
  • Personal Statement: Craft a compelling narrative showcasing your academic aspirations, career goals, how your chosen field aligns with your home country’s needs,

The Aga Khan Foundation is your ally, ready to invest in your potential and contribute towards molding you into an effective contributor to your nation’s development. 

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The Chevening Scholarships

 This prestigious scholarship gives Pakistani students the chance to study at any UK university, covering tuition fees and more. From networking opportunities to cultural experiences, this scholarship provides you with a complete package for your academic pursuits. 


  • Citizenship: Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country or territory. The official list is available on their website at https://www.chevening.org/apply/.
  • Academic Excellence: Possess a strong academic record, typically with an upper second-class 2:1 honors degree (UK equivalent) in your bachelor’s degree. Check the website for specific requirements for your country.
  • Work Experience: Demonstrate at least two years of relevant work experience after graduation. Be prepared to showcase professional achievements and responsibilities.
  • English Language Proficiency: Showcase your English language skills through standardized tests like TOEFL or IELTS (minimum scores may apply). Ensure you meet the required band score for your chosen university.
  • Leadership Potential: Exhibit the potential to be a future leader in your field, with a commitment to public service and making a positive impact. Highlight your initiative, problem-solving skills, and ability to inspire others.

Application Process

  • Deadlines Matter: Stay attuned to the application deadlines, typically falling between July and November of the year preceding your desired intake. Don’t miss out! Check the website for specific deadlines for your chosen country.
  • Online Portal: Navigate the online application portal https://www.chevening.org/apply/ carefully and diligently complete each section, providing accurate and detailed information. Ensure you have all required documents ready for upload.
  • Personal Statement: This is your chance to shine! Weave a compelling narrative showcasing your academic aspirations, professional goals, leadership potential, and how your chosen field aligns with Chevening’s objectives. Make it personal, impactful, and demonstrate your unique vision for the future.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Seek support from respected individuals who can vouch for your academic abilities, work experience, and leadership potential. Choose referees who know you well and can highlight your strengths and achievements.
  • Additional Documents: Prepare and submit all required documents such as transcripts, test scores, CV, proof of work experience, and any field-specific requirements. Ensure everything is in the correct format and uploaded properly.

This scholarship ensures your journey is financially smooth, covering a round-trip economy class airfare and even providing an allowance for essential expenses. You’ll need an undergraduate degree under your belt, one that enables you to gain admission to a postgraduate program at a UK university. 

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Read Also: Fully Funded Micronesia Scholarships


Which country provides fully funded scholarships for Pakistani students?

Several countries offer generous scholarship programs for Pakistani students, including:

  • Australia: The Australia-Pakistan Alumni Scholarship and the Australia Awards provide full tuition and living expenses.
  • United States: Fulbright Scholarships, Humphrey Fellowships, and various university-specific programs offer full funding for Pakistani students.
  • China: The Chinese Government Scholarship Program and the Belt and Road Initiative offer a range of fully funded scholarships.
  • United Kingdom: The Chevening Scholarships and Commonwealth PhD Scholarships offer full funding for postgraduate studies.
  • Germany: The DAAD Scholarship Program and the Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarships provide full funding for Pakistani students.

This is not an exhaustive list, and researching programs aligned with your field of study is crucial. Remember, scholarship opportunities vary based on eligibility criteria, academic background, and desired field of study.

Which university offers full scholarship in Pakistan?

Several Pakistani universities offer merit-based and need-based full scholarships for local students. Some notable examples include:

  • Aga Khan University
  • Habib University
  • Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)
  • National University of Science and Technology (NUST)
  • Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Karachi

Visiting the university websites or contacting their admissions offices directly is the best way to stay updated on available scholarships and application deadlines.

How can I get a fully funded scholarship from Pakistan to USA?

Here are some tips to increase your chances of securing a fully funded scholarship to the USA:

  • Excel academically: Maintain a strong GPA and demonstrate exceptional academic performance in relevant subjects.
  • Standardized test scores: Aim for high scores on the TOEFL or IELTS.
  • Research and identify scholarships: Explore programs like Fulbright Scholarships, Humphrey Fellowships, and university-specific programs like Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship.
  • Craft a compelling personal statement: Highlight your academic achievements, career goals, and how your studies will benefit Pakistan.
  • Strong letters of recommendation: Seek recommendations from respected professors or professionals who can vouch for your abilities.
  • Meet application deadlines: Be punctual and submit your applications well in advance.

How do you get a 100% scholarship?

While some scholarships cover 100% of tuition and living expenses, others may require additional funding sources. To maximize your chances of securing full funding:

  • Apply for multiple scholarships: Don’t rely on one application. Increase your chances by applying to various programs with compatible deadlines.
  • Showcase financial need: Demonstrate your financial constraints and inability to self-fund your studies.
  • Highlight community impact: Showcase how your studies will contribute positively to Pakistan’s development.
  • Research funding opportunities: Explore additional funding sources like grants, internships, and teaching assistantships.

Which country is best for Pakistani students?

The “best” country depends on your individual goals, field of study, and academic achievements. Each country offers unique advantages and disadvantages. Consider factors like:

  • Academic reputation of universities: Research the strength of programs in your chosen field.
  • Cost of living and tuition fees: Compare these costs across different countries.
  • Work opportunities after graduation: Explore job prospects and visa regulations for international students.
  • Language proficiency: Assess your language skills and choose a country where you can adapt comfortably.

Ultimately, the best country for you is the one that aligns with your academic aspirations and career goals while providing a supportive and stimulating environment.


In a nutshell, the world of fully funded scholarships is vast, teeming with opportunities tailor-made for Pakistani students. 

 It’s time to open new doors, build bridges, and create a global impact with your education. Your journey to academic excellence starts now. So, dare to dream, dare to reach, dare to succeed. After all, the world is your classroom, and it’s waiting for you to make your mark!

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