Home Scholarships Fully Funded Scholarships For Students With Physical Disabilities 2024/2025

Fully Funded Scholarships For Students With Physical Disabilities 2024/2025

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Education is a fundamental right, and it should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their physical abilities. Sadly, students with physical disabilities often face significant financial barriers that can make accessing higher education a challenge.

However, fully funded scholarships offer a glimmer of hope for these students by providing financial assistance, resources, and support to help them achieve their academic and career goals. In this article, we’ll explore fully funded scholarships available to students with physical disabilities, the benefits of these scholarships, and how they are helping to create a more inclusive and accessible world for all.

Microsoft disability Scholarship

The Microsoft Disability Scholarship is a unique initiative aimed at empowering students with disabilities by providing them with financial assistance to achieve their academic aspirations. This scholarship is specifically designed to support high school seniors planning to attend a vocational or academic college and have declared a major in the realm of business, engineering, technology, or a legal field.


  • Open to: High school seniors with disabilities living in the United States.
  • Disabilities: Defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).
  • Academic requirement: Minimum GPA of 3.0.
  • Financial need: Demonstrated financial need is considered.
  • Technology career interest: Must aspire to a career in the technology industry.

Application Process:

  • Application window: Typically opens in January and closes in March.
  • Required documents: Completed application form, transcripts, letters of recommendation, essay, proof of disability, and proof of financial need.
  • Selection process: Applications are reviewed by a committee considering academic merit, financial need, essay, and potential for success in the technology industry.
  • More information and application link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/diversity/programs/microsoftdisabilityscholarship.aspx

Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person on the planet to achieve more. By offering this scholarship, Microsoft underscores its commitment to inclusivity and its belief in the power of technology to transform lives. The Microsoft Disability Scholarship creates an avenue for students with disabilities to explore their passion for technology, aiming to nurture them into future leaders who can bring about positive change.

Google Lime Scholarship

The Google Lime Scholarship represents a valuable resource for students with physical disabilities. This scholarship is the fruit of a collaboration between Google and Lime Connect, a nonprofit entity committed to altering the perception of disability through success. The initiative is designed to eliminate the obstacles that students with disabilities often encounter when striving to establish careers in computing and technology fields.


General eligibility requirements across NCLD Scholarships include:

  • Documented learning disability: This encompasses conditions like dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD, auditory processing disorder, and more.
  • U.S. citizenship or permanent residency.
  • Demonstrated academic merit and financial need.
  • Enrollment or planning to enroll in an accredited educational institution.


Scholarship awards vary depending on the program, but can include:

  • Financial support for tuition and fees.
  • Additional funding for books, technology, and other academic expenses.
  • Mentorship and support services from NCLD.

It’s important to remember that scholarships like the Google Lime Scholarship don’t just offer financial aid. They also serve as a beacon of hope for students with physical disabilities, encouraging them to strive for their dreams despite any physical challenges they may face. By removing barriers, these scholarships help create a more inclusive and equal academic landscape.

American Council of the Blind scholarship

The American Council of the Blind (ACB) scholarship is a remarkable initiative dedicated to supporting visually impaired students in their pursuit of higher education. The ACB’s mission, which aligns with its scholarship program, is to increase independence, security, equality of opportunity, and quality of life for all blind and visually impaired individuals.


The general eligibility criteria for most ACB scholarships include:

  • Legal blindness: Certified by an ophthalmologist, optometrist, or physician.
  • U.S. citizenship or permanent residency.
  • Full-time student status (exceptions may apply for part-time students with specific circumstances).
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0 (exceptions may apply for certain scholarships).
  • Involvement in school and/or local community (demonstrated through activities or leadership roles).

Application Process:

  • Applications typically open in November and close in February each year.
  • Required documents include:
    • Completed application form
    • Transcripts
    • Letters of recommendation
    • Essay
    • Certification of legal blindness
    • Proof of financial need (may not be required for all scholarships)
  • Check the ACB website for current deadlines and detailed application instructions: https://www.acb.org/scholarships

With the ACB scholarship, the American Council of the Blind continues its long-standing tradition of empowering visually impaired individuals, reinforcing its belief in their abilities, potential, and right to equal opportunities in education. Through such initiatives, the council remains a beacon of hope and a source of support for visually impaired students in their academic endeavors.


Which country is best for international disabled students?

There isn’t a single “best” country for international disabled students, as each nation has its own strengths and weaknesses in terms of support and accessibility. However, some countries consistently rank highly for their inclusive policies and resources for disabled individuals, including:

  • Nordic countries: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland are known for their strong social safety nets and commitment to accessibility, offering comprehensive support for disabled students.
  • Canada: Canada offers generous disability benefits and has strong legislation promoting accessibility in education and public spaces.
  • Netherlands: The Netherlands boasts a well-developed infrastructure for disabled individuals and a proactive approach to disability inclusion in education.
  • Germany: Germany has a robust social security system and invests heavily in accessibility, making it a good option for disabled students.
  • Australia: Australia provides a range of support services and financial assistance for disabled students, along with a strong focus on inclusive education.

Ultimately, the best country for you will depend on your specific needs, academic goals, and financial situation. Researching specific universities and programs in different countries is crucial to find the best fit.

What is the grant for disabled students in the UK?

The UK offers several grants and funding options for disabled students, including:

  • Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA): This government grant provides financial support for additional costs incurred due to a disability, such as specialist equipment, note-taking services, or mobility aids.
  • NHS Continuing Healthcare: If your disability requires significant ongoing support, you may be eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare, which covers costs associated with care and equipment.
  • University bursaries and scholarships: Many UK universities offer bursaries and scholarships specifically for disabled students, covering tuition fees or living expenses.

It’s important to note that eligibility criteria and funding amounts vary for these programs. Contacting the relevant universities or government agencies directly is recommended for specific information.

What is the best college for disabled students?

There isn’t a single “best” college for disabled students, as individual needs and preferences vary. However, some universities consistently rank high for their accessibility, support services, and inclusive campus environments, such as:

  • University of Oxford: Offers a Disabled Students’ Advisory Service, dedicated disability officers in each college, and a high level of accessibility on campus.
  • University of Cambridge: Provides comprehensive disability support services, including specialist equipment loan, note-taking, and peer mentoring programs.
  • University College London (UCL): Offers a Disability Service Centre, accessible buildings, and various financial support options for disabled students.
  • University of Edinburgh: Has a dedicated Disability Service, accessible accommodation options, and a strong commitment to inclusive education.
  • University of Melbourne: Provides extensive disability support services, including academic advisors, assistive technology resources, and accessible campus facilities.

Researching individual universities’ disability services, accessibility measures, and student testimonials is crucial to find the best fit for your needs.

What is the Oxford Wadham graduate scholarship for disabled students?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a specific graduate scholarship offered by Wadham College, Oxford, exclusively for disabled students. However, Wadham does offer several graduate scholarships based on academic merit and other criteria, some of which may be open to disabled students. You can find details about all available scholarships on the Wadham College website: https://www.wadham.ox.ac.uk/finance/graduate-scholarships

It’s important to note that some other colleges within Oxford University offer scholarships specifically for disabled students, such as the Clarendon Scholarships for Students with Disabilities. Researching these options and contacting the relevant college or university directly is recommended.

How to get 100% scholarship in Oxford?

Oxford University offers several scholarships, but obtaining a 100% scholarship is highly competitive and depends on various factors, including academic merit, chosen program, and available funding. Some tips for increasing your chances include:

  • Achieving exceptional academic results.
  • Demonstrating strong research potential and intellectual curiosity.
  • Highlighting unique talents and achievements in your application.
  • Applying for scholarships based on your specific field of study or background.
  • Seeking guidance from the college or university you are applying to.

Remember, while 100% scholarships are rare, there are many other funding options available, including partial scholarships, grants, and student loans. Researching all available options and building a strong application package can significantly increase your chances of securing financial support for your studies at Oxford.


These scholarships, specifically designed for students with physical disabilities, are more than just financial aid programs. They offer a springboard, enabling students to transcend their physical barriers and pursue their academic dreams. By providing comprehensive support and fostering a diverse, inclusive environment, these scholarships indeed make a significant impact in encouraging equality in education.

They do not just lighten the financial burden but also fuel the ambition of these students, inspiring them to overcome any challenges and reach their full potential. These initiatives truly embody the spirit of inclusivity, demonstrating that physical limitations are no hindrance to achieving academic excellence and contributing positively to society.


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