Home Scholarships Fully Funded Scholarships Single Parents 2024/2025

Fully Funded Scholarships Single Parents 2024/2025

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Attaining higher education is a dream that everyone aspires to reach. However, it can prove particularly challenging for single parents who face the uphill task of juggling between raising their children and pursuing their studies. 

Fortunately, there are fully funded scholarships specially designed to assist single parents in achieving their educational goals. The following is a list of some of the best scholarships available that single parents can apply for:

Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation for Low-Income Women and Children

The Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation for Low-Income Women and Children is a scholarship program named in honor of Patsy Takemoto Mink, the first woman of color and the first Asian-American woman to serve in Congress. 


  • Education Support Award: Applicants must be low-income women with at least one dependent child, pursuing a first degree at an accredited institution, and demonstrate financial need.
  • Mink Internship Program: Applicants must be undergraduate students with a strong academic record and an interest in education policy, social justice, and public service.


  • Since its inception, the foundation has awarded over $1 million in scholarships to low-income women.
  • The Mink Internship Program has provided valuable experience and mentorship to dozens of undergraduate students.
  • The foundation’s advocacy efforts have helped to shape policies that benefit low-income women and children.

By providing funding support, the Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation makes it feasible for single mothers to pursue their academic aspirations without compromising their parental responsibilities. This scholarship provides a valuable lifeline for single parents, empowering them to chase their dreams and build a better future for themselves and their children.

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Read Also: Fully Funded Scholarships For Transgender Students

Capture the Dream Single Parent Scholarship

With a mission to disrupt the cycle of poverty and construct more robust communities, Capture the Dream presents two major scholarships: the George Geng-On Lee Minorities in Leadership Scholarship and the Single Parent Scholarship. 


  • Must be a legal resident of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, or Sonoma counties in California.
  • Must be a single parent with at least one dependent child under 18.
  • Must be enrolled or plan to enroll full-time in an undergraduate program at an accredited non-profit four-year university in the upcoming Fall semester.
  • Must demonstrate financial need.
  • Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5.

Selection Criteria:

  • Academic achievement (GPA, transcripts, test scores)
  • Financial need
  • Demonstrated commitment to education and personal growth
  • Community involvement and leadership
  • Essay that explores your motivations and goals

This meaningful financial aid from Capture the Dream can go a long way in facilitating these parents’ education, ensuring they can remain committed to their academics without being overly burdened by financial concerns.

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Soroptimist Live Your Dream Awards

The Soroptimist Live Your Dream Awards is an outstanding scholarship opportunity dedicated to financially aiding women who are the primary financial providers for their families. With award values varying between $1,000 and $16,000, the beneficiaries are free to use the funds to cover any costs related to their educational pursuit. 


  • Be a woman who is the primary source of financial support for her family.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • Be enrolled in or accepted into an accredited educational program.
  • Have a minimum GPA requirement (varies by level).
  • Cannot be a Soroptimist member or employee.

Application Process:

The Soroptimist Live Your Dream Awards indeed provide a ray of hope for single mothers who dream of attaining a higher education, fostering the belief that they too have the right and ability to achieve their educational and career goals.

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How do single moms survive financially?

Survival looks different for everyone, but here are some key strategies:

  • Budgeting and planning: Create a realistic budget and track your income and expenses. Explore options like government assistance, child support, and community resources.
  • Financial aid: Research scholarships, grants, and educational opportunities that can help cover education and training costs for career advancement.
  • Multiple income streams: Consider side hustles, freelance work, or part-time jobs to supplement your income.
  • Affordable childcare: Find reliable and affordable childcare options to balance work and parenting responsibilities.
  • Negotiating and seeking support: Negotiate bills, seek payment plans, and explore community support programs that offer financial assistance or reduced rates.

What is the largest cause of stress for a single parent?

Financial concerns often top the list, but other significant stressors include:

  • Juggling work and family life: Feeling constantly stretched thin and lacking personal time can be overwhelming.
  • Loneliness and isolation: The lack of a partner can sometimes lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Stigma and judgment: Societal biases and negative perceptions can add unnecessary pressure.
  • Self-doubt and guilt: Managing guilt about “doing enough” and feelings of self-doubt can impact mental well-being.

How to be a single mom with no help?

Building a support network is crucial:

  • Family and friends: Lean on supportive family and friends for emotional support, childcare assistance, or practical help.
  • Community resources: Connect with local support groups, single parent organizations, or community centers for resources and assistance.
  • Online communities: Utilize online forums and groups for single moms to connect, share experiences, and gain emotional support.
  • Professional help: If you’re struggling, consider seeking professional help from therapists or counselors specializing in single parenting challenges.

How to be a single mom with a newborn?

The early weeks and months can be especially challenging:

  • Prioritize self-care: Get enough sleep, eat healthy, and find moments for relaxation to manage stress and maintain your well-being.
  • Accept help: Don’t hesitate to ask for help from friends, family, or community resources.
  • Join new mom groups: Connect with other moms of newborns for peer support, advice, and a sense of community.
  • Seek professional guidance: Consult a pediatrician or lactation consultant for expert advice on newborn care.

Is it hard to be a single mom to a newborn?

It can be incredibly challenging, but remember, countless women do it beautifully. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, build a support system, and prioritize your well-being. With resilience, resourcefulness, and a positive attitude, you can thrive as a single mom and provide a loving, nurturing environment for your newborn.


Education, they say, is the passport to the future, and no parent should be deprived of it simply because they bear the sole responsibility of raising their children. These fully-funded scholarships demonstrate an understanding of the financial and time management challenges single parents face and seek to alleviate these hurdles. By providing funding support for single parents, foundations and organizations like the Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation, Capture the Dream, Raising the N.E.T., and the Soroptimist International are not just facilitating access to higher education, but also empowering them to better their circumstances and create a more promising future for themselves and their children.

In closing, these fully-funded scholarships for single parents offer more than financial support; they represent societal recognition, appreciation, and respect for the immense fortitude and tenacity single parents exhibit daily. The journey to higher education may be arduous for single parents, but it is certainly not impossible, and these scholarships prove just that. They are invaluable aids that offer single parents the chance to turn their dreams into reality. By doing so, they don’t just help transform individual lives but also contribute to building stronger, more resilient communities.


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