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Price: Fully Funded
Institution: University of California
Level: Undergraduate
Subjects: Mathematics
Eligible Candidates: International Students
Country: USA
Expiry date: 11/30/2022
Scholarship Description:
Degree Level: Undergraduate
Available Subject: Mathematics
Scholarship Benefits: (Fully Funded) The scholarship covers tuition fees as well as room and board.
Eligible Nationalities: Scholarship is open for international students.
Eligibility Criteria:
- 12th grader applying to UCLA for admission in Fall of 2018.
- Outstanding academic record and standardized test scores (TOEFL and SAT/ACT).
- Evidence of exceptional background and promise in mathematics. Such evidence may include one of the following:
- placing in the top 25% in the U.S.A. Mathematics Olympiad (USAMO) or comparable (International Mathematics Olympiad level) performance on a similar national competition, or
- advanced (upper-division college level) coursework, or
- original research work in mathematics.
Application Procedure:
- The applicant must also submit the official UCLA admissions application by its deadline http://www.admission.ucla.edu/infoprospective.htm.
- To apply, please fill out the Merit Scholarship application on Mathprograms.org by November 30, of the current year.
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