Home Scholarships Fully Funded Slovenia Scholarships 2024/2025

Fully Funded Slovenia Scholarships 2024/2025

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In recent years, Slovenia has gained international recognition as a top-notch educational destination. Its universities offer high-quality education, vibrant student life, and a plethora of fully funded scholarships. These scholarships open doors to international students, allowing them to explore a culturally rich European country while also pursuing their academic goals. If you’re considering Slovenia for your future studies, this blog post will provide you with a comprehensive guide to fully funded Slovenia scholarships.

University of Ljubljana – Zois Scholarships

If you’re interested in pursuing a Zois scholarship, there are a few things you need to know. In this article, we’ll go over the application process, the eligibility requirements, and the benefits of this unique scholarship program. You’ll also learn about the life of Žiga Zois, who has left a lasting legacy in the field of science and education. So, get ready to discover a world of opportunity with the Zois scholarships.


  • Comprehensive coverage: The scholarship covers tuition fees, monthly living allowance, health insurance, and travel expenses.
  • Focus on research: Recipients dedicate themselves to full-time research under the guidance of renowned professors at UL.
  • Immersive experience: Students gain valuable academic and cultural experience in Slovenia, a vibrant European nation.
  • Career advancement: The program fosters academic excellence and prepares recipients for successful research careers.


  • Open to international students with outstanding academic achievements and research potential.
  • Master’s degree or equivalent qualification in a relevant field required.
  • Strong research proposal outlining your intended doctoral research project is crucial.
  • Proficiency in English or Slovene is necessary (language requirements may vary depending on the specific program).

Application Process:

  • Applications are typically accepted during spring, with specific deadlines announced by the University of Ljubljana.
  • The application process involves submitting online forms, academic documents, research proposal, and recommendation letters.
  • A rigorous selection process evaluates academic merit, research potential.

So, whether you’re a Slovenian student or an aspiring international scholar, the Zois scholarships could be your gateway to an enriching educational journey at the University of Ljubljana. 

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Bilateral Scholarships

Broadening the spectrum of scholarship opportunities in Slovenia are the Bilateral Scholarships. These scholarships foster a sense of international camaraderie, as they aim to encourage cross-cultural academic exchange. As the name suggests, Bilateral Scholarships are the fruit of mutual agreements between Slovenia and other countries. They are designed to promote academic cooperation by providing students from partner countries with the financial means to pursue their studies in Slovenia.


Requirements vary depending on the specific program and bilateral agreement. Some common criteria include:

  • Citizenship of one of the participating countries.
  • Strong academic record and research potential.
  • Meeting specific language proficiency requirements.
  • Alignment with the program’s field of study and objectives.

Application Process:

Procedures differ based on the chosen program. Typically, you’ll need to submit documents such as:

  • Transcripts and diplomas.
  • CV or resume.
  • Research proposal (if applicable).
  • Recommendation letters.
  • Language certificates

So, if you’re a student from one of Slovenia’s partner countries, the Bilateral Scholarships could be your passport to a world-class education amidst Slovenia’s captivating blend of culture, nature, and history. It’s not just a scholarship, it’s a chance to become a part of a global academic community, fostering mutual understanding and international cooperation through education.

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University of Nova Gorica – The National and ZOIS Scholarships

The University of Nova Gorica, a renowned institution celebrated for its robust research focus, takes pride in its offering of the National and Zois scholarships. These scholarships are specially designed for prodigious scholars who not only exhibit outstanding academic performance, but also a fervent interest in research that can inspire change and contribute to the global knowledge base.

The National Scholarships:

  • Offered by the Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport to both Slovenian and international students pursuing:
    • Undergraduate studies at UNG
    • Master’s studies at UNG in specific fields (e.g., economics, health sciences, environmental engineering)
  • Cover tuition fees and provide a monthly living allowance
  • Awarded based on academic merit and financial need

The ZOIS Scholarships:

  • Established in 1986, named after Slovene national hero Žiga Zois, and funded by the Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia
  • Available to both Slovenian and international students pursuing:
    • Doctoral studies at UNG in any field
    • Postgraduate research stays at UNG
  • Cover tuition fees, provide a monthly living allowance, and may include additional research funding
  • Awarded based on academic excellence and research potential

So, if you’re a passionate scholar with a thirst for knowledge and a drive for research, the National and Zois Scholarships at the University of Nova Gorica could be the gateway to an enriching and fulfilling academic experience.  

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How can I study in Slovenia for free?

While completely free tuition isn’t guaranteed, Slovenia offers several options to minimize your study expenses:

  • EU/EEA and Specific Country Citizens: Students from EU/EEA member states and select other countries like Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Serbia enjoy free tuition at public universities for undergraduate degrees.
  • Scholarships: Numerous scholarships cover full or partial tuition and living expenses, like the National Scholarship Programme and bilateral scholarships.
  • University Scholarships: Individual universities offer merit-based and needs-based scholarships to international students.
  • Erasmus+ Programme: This EU-funded program provides exchange opportunities with partial or full funding for tuition and living expenses, depending on the specific program and your home country.

What is the scholarship for Slovenia in 2023?

There isn’t just one, but a whole spectrum of scholarships available in 2023! Here are some prominent options:

  • National Scholarship Programme: Offers full coverage for tuition fees, living costs, and travel expenses for Master’s or PhD studies in selected fields.
  • Erasmus+ Programme: As mentioned above, provides exchange opportunities with partial or full funding.
  • University Scholarships: Check individual university websites for specific scholarship programs like those offered by the University of Ljubljana and University of Nova Gorica.
  • Bilateral Scholarships: Collaborative programs between Slovenia and other countries, often covering tuition and living expenses.

How do you get a 100% scholarship?

There’s no guaranteed formula, but you can increase your chances by:

  • Excelling academically: Strong grades, research experience, and academic achievements are key.
  • Choosing the right scholarship: Align your goals, field of study, and background with specific programs.
  • Crafting a compelling application: Highlight your strengths, research potential, and career aspirations.
  • Meeting deadlines: Be prompt and thorough in submitting all required documents.
  • Proofreading carefully: Ensure your application is error-free and meets all formatting guidelines.
  • Expanding your options: Apply to several scholarships to increase your chances of success.

Which country is easiest to get a full scholarship?

It’s difficult to pinpoint a single “easiest” country, as factors like scholarship availability, competition, and application requirements vary greatly. However, some countries known for offering generous scholarships include:

  • Germany: DAAD scholarships and Excellence Scholarships.
  • Norway: Quota Scholarships and ARENA scholarships.
  • Sweden: Swedish Institute scholarships and Linnaeus-Palme scholarships.
  • Netherlands: Orange Tulip Scholarship and Holland Scholarship.

Which country is the easiest to get scholarships in Europe?

Similar to the previous question, there’s no definitive answer. Some factors favoring ease of scholarship attainment in certain European countries include:

  • High number of scholarship programs: Countries like Austria, the Netherlands, and Sweden offer a wide range of scholarship options.
  • Lower competition for some programs: Compared to more prominent destinations like the UK or France, specific scholarship programs in less-frequented countries might have less competition.
  • Language proficiency as a factor: If you speak the local language, some countries might offer scholarships specifically for non-native speakers.


Fully funded scholarships in Slovenia cover all aspects of your education, from tuition fees to living expenses. They also offer a variety of other benefits, such as access to research facilities, a chance to network with top professors and researchers, and the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities. Not only that, but you’ll also get to experience the charm and beauty of Slovenia, a country known for its picturesque landscapes and friendly people. Does it sound like an opportunity you wouldn’t want to miss?

In conclusion, if Slovenia is on your academic radar, these fully funded scholarships can be your stepping stones towards a fulfilling and enriching educational journey. This is not just about the destination, but about the journey itself – a journey of intellectual growth, cultural exploration, and personal development. Take the leap, seize the opportunities, and let Slovenia’s fully funded scholarships be the guiding light on your academic journey. So, here’s to a future filled with possibilities, a future that begins in the heart of Europe – Slovenia.

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