Home Scholarships Fully Funded Tunisia Scholarships 2024/2025

Fully Funded Tunisia Scholarships 2024/2025

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The Tunisian government, along with notable organizations such as the Erasmus+ Scholarship Programme and the Arab Council for the Social Sciences, is offering fully funded scholarships that cover tuition fees, living expenses, and travel costs.

These scholarships are available to both domestic and international students, and the eligibility criteria vary depending on the specific scholarship. With its beautiful Mediterranean climate and rich historical heritage, Tunisia is a unique place to pursue higher education.

In this blog article, we will list out Fully Funded Tunisia Scholarships

Tunisia (Chevening Scholarship)

The Chevening Scholarship represents an unparalleled opportunity for Tunisian students. Sponsored by the UK government, this globally recognized scholarship is a golden ticket for ambitious scholars who are aiming for a master’s degree. 


  • Tunisian citizenship or permanent residency.
  • Bachelor’s degree with upper second-class honors (2:1) or equivalent qualification.
  • Minimum two years of work experience after graduation.
  • Fluency in English.
  • Strong leadership potential and a commitment to contributing to Tunisia’s development.

Selection process:

  • Based on academic merit, leadership potential, networking skills, and English language proficiency.
  • Applications include online form, CV, academic transcripts, two references, and a personal statement.
  • Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview.

So if you have ever dreamt of studying in the UK and are ready to become an ambassador for your country, this could be the chance you’ve been waiting for. The Chevening Scholarship is more than just an educational opportunity, it’s a chance to experience a different culture, broaden your horizons, and make your mark on the world. Don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers!

Apply Now 

Tunisia Undergraduate Scholarship Program

For those of you just starting your higher education journey, the Tunisia Undergraduate Scholarship Program is an opportunity you should consider. This scholarship is uniquely tailored for budding Tunisian scholars like yourself, who have displayed an exceptional commitment to their academics. What’s so special about this program? Well, it offers a fully-funded pathway to your bachelor’s degree in any discipline you choose, at a Tunisian university.


  • Tunisian citizen and currently enrolled in a first, second, or third year of undergraduate studies in Tunisia.
  • Strong academic record (GPA equivalent to a minimum of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale).
  • Demonstrated leadership potential and community engagement.
  • Proficiency in English (TOEFL score of 500 or higher).
  • Commitment to returning to Tunisia after completing the program.

Application Process:

  • The application opens around October and closes in November.
  • Applications are submitted online through the U.S. Department of State website.
  • Required documents include academic transcripts, CV, personal statement, letters of recommendation, and English language proficiency test results.
  • Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview.

So, if you’re a Tunisian high-school graduate ready to dive into the world of higher education and ready to make a difference, then the Tunisia Undergraduate Scholarship Program might just be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. Set your academic goals, sharpen your focus, and be ready to seize this fantastic opportunity.

Apply Now 

Read Also: Fully Funded South Sudan Scholarships


How do you get a 100% scholarship?

There’s no guaranteed method for securing a 100% scholarship, but you can significantly increase your chances by:

  • Academic excellence: Maintain a strong GPA and demonstrate exceptional potential in your chosen field.
  • Relevant experience: Showcase research involvement, internships, or volunteer work related to your scholarship focus.
  • Compelling application: Craft a clear and impactful personal statement highlighting your achievements, goals, and alignment with the scholarship program.
  • Targeted approach: Research thoroughly and apply to programs that match your skills and interests, maximizing your chances of a strong fit.
  • Proofreading and attention to detail: Ensure your application documents are error-free and professional.

What is the undergraduate scholarship in Tunisia?

There are several undergraduate scholarship programs available in Tunisia, depending on your specific goals and circumstances. Some notable options include:

  • Tunisia Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGRAD): Offers one year of non-degree study at accredited US universities for outstanding Tunisian students.
  • Government scholarships: Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and other government agencies offer diverse scholarships for Tunisian and international students.
  • University scholarships: Individual Tunisian universities like University of Carthage and University of Manouba provide scholarships for international students, sometimes including full funding.
  • International scholarships: Programs like Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees and Chevening Scholarships offer full funding for Tunisian students to pursue postgraduate studies abroad.

Which country is easiest to get a full scholarship?

The difficulty of securing a full scholarship depends largely on the program, competition level, and individual applicant strengths. Some countries like Germany, Norway, and Sweden are known for offering tuition-free public universities and generous scholarship opportunities. However, competition for these programs can be high, and strong academic credentials and relevant experience are still crucial for success.

Is Tunisia a good place to study?

Tunisia offers a unique blend of cultural richness, academic opportunities, and affordability. Some benefits of studying in Tunisia include:

  • High-quality education: Top universities like University of Tunis El Manar and École Supérieure des Communications de Tunis offer excellent programs in various fields.
  • Lower cost of living: Compared to many other countries, studying in Tunisia can be more affordable, making it a budget-friendly option.
  • Diverse culture and vibrant environment: Tunisia’s rich history, beautiful landscapes, and warm hospitality create a stimulating and exciting atmosphere for student life.
  • Language advantage: Learning Arabic or French, Tunisia’s official languages, opens doors to professional opportunities and cultural immersion.

Ultimately, whether Tunisia is “good” for you depends on your specific needs and preferences. Researching universities, programs, and living costs beforehand is crucial for making an informed decision.

Is it easy to find a job in Tunisia?

While the job market in Tunisia has its challenges, the landscape is evolving and opportunities are available. Factors like your field of study, work experience, language skills, and proactive job search efforts can significantly impact your success. Certain sectors like IT, tourism, and renewable energy see higher demand for skilled professionals. Networking, internships, and building relevant local connections can also enhance your job prospects.


As we close this enlightening journey into the world of fully funded scholarships in Tunisia, let’s reflect on the game-changing opportunities that are at your disposal. The world of academia, brimming with knowledge and innovation, beckons you to dive in without the burden of financial constraints.  

So, grab hold of these chances, strive for excellence, and prepare to shape your destiny. The world of higher education awaits you, full of promise and potential. The first step towards realizing your dreams begins with a single application. So, ready to apply? Your academic adventure is just a scholarship away. Let’s make it happen!

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