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Top 10 Cheap Nursing Schools in Finland with Scholarships and Their School Fees

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Finland is renowned for its high-quality education system, offering a myriad of opportunities for students from around the globe. Nursing, a profession that is both noble and in high demand worldwide, is one of the fields where Finland excels, providing state-of-the-art education at affordable rates. For international students aspiring to embark on a nursing career, finding a cost-effective institution can be a game-changer. 

Hence, this blog post aims to shed light on the top 10 cheap nursing schools in Finland that not only offer excellent education but also provide scholarships to alleviate financial burdens. Let’s delve into the details of each institution, their scholarship opportunities, and their respective school fees.

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1) University of Turku

The University of Turku is recognized for offering a wide range of nursing programs that are tailored to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Emphasizing research and practical application, it prepares students comprehensively for the healthcare industry. 

International students looking to join this institution can expect tuition fees in the range of €8,000 to €12,000 annually. Fortunately, the university extends various scholarship options, covering between 50% to 100% of these fees, thereby substantially alleviating the financial commitments of its students.

Estimated Tuition Fee: €12,000 annually

2) University of Eastern Finland

Nestled amidst breathtaking landscapes, the University of Eastern Finland captivates with its vibrant campus life and robust nursing programs. For international students, the annual tuition is set at about €8,000. 

Yet, the financial strain is eased through scholarships, notably the Finland Scholarship. This comprehensive package not only waives the full tuition for the inaugural year but also provides a €5,000 grant to assist with living expenses, making the pursuit of nursing education more accessible and affordable for students from across the globe.

Estimated Tuition Fee: €8,000.

3) Tampere University

At Tampere University, the focus on innovation is palpable, especially within its nursing program. Merging theoretical understanding with hands-on experience, the curriculum is designed to equip students for the nursing profession effectively. 

International learners face tuition fees of about €10,000 yearly. However, the university’s scholarship offerings are robust, with opportunities to offset up to the entire amount of these fees, providing a substantial financial reprieve for ambitious nursing students from around the world.

Estimated Tuition Fee: €10,000 yearly

4) University of Oulu

At the forefront of innovation and research, the University of Oulu stands out for its comprehensive approach to nursing education. With state-of-the-art facilities and a curriculum designed to reflect the latest in healthcare advancements, it ensures students are well-equipped for their future careers. The tuition for international scholars is estimated at around €10,000 annually. 

To ease this financial load, the institution offers scholarships capable of covering up to the full tuition cost, providing a viable path for students worldwide to achieve their nursing aspirations without the burden of excessive debt.

Estimated Tuition Fee:  €10,000 annually. 

5) Åbo Akademi University

Åbo Akademi University distinguishes itself as the sole Swedish-speaking higher education institution in Finland, offering a distinct atmosphere for its students. Its nursing program is celebrated for the exceptional quality of education and practical training it delivers. 

For international students, the annual fee is around €12,000, but thanks to the university’s scholarship schemes, students can receive financial aid covering up to half of these costs, significantly reducing the financial pressure and making quality nursing education more accessible.

Estimated Tuiton Fee: €12,000

6) University of Helsinki

Renowned for its historic prestige and rigorous academic standards, the University of Helsinki offers a nursing program that aligns with global healthcare expectations. The cost for international students ranges from €13,000 to €18,000 per year. 

To support its diverse student body, the institution has established several scholarship programs. One notable scholarship, the Helsinki Scholarship, is designed to cover the entirety of tuition fees while also providing a living stipend, ensuring students can fully dedicate themselves to their studies without the stress of financial constraints.

Estimated Tuitin Fee:  €13,000 to €18,000 per year

7) Savonia University of Applied Sciences

Savonia University of Applied Sciences stands out for its innovative approach and emphasis on hands-on experience within its nursing program. This institution makes it feasible for international students to pursue their nursing careers with tuition fees set at an appealing €6,000 per annum. 

Moreover, Savonia enhances affordability through its scholarship program, which offers to cover 30% to 50% of these fees, significantly easing the financial burden on students and making a high-quality nursing education more accessible.

Estimated Tuition Fee:  €6,000 per annum.

8) Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

With a keen focus on real-world application, Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences fosters an enriching learning environment for its nursing students. The institution is noted for its deep connections within the healthcare sector, offering extensive practical training opportunities.

For those coming from abroad, the annual tuition stands at approximately €10,000. In light of financial considerations, the school offers merit-based scholarships that have the potential to cover tuition costs in full, significantly enhancing the affordability of obtaining a nursing degree for international students.

Estimated Tuition Fee: €10,000

9) South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk)

Xamk stands as a beacon of innovation in nursing education, providing an environment that fosters the development of practical skills essential for success in the healthcare field. International students contemplating a nursing degree at Xamk are met with affordable tuition fees of approximately €9,000 annually. 

To further ease the financial strain, the university offers scholarships that can halve these costs. This significant reduction in tuition fees through scholarships makes Xamk an attractive option for students seeking quality education at a more accessible price point.

Estimated Tuition Fee: €9,000 annually. 

10) Centria University of Applied Sciences

Centria University of Applied Sciences is committed to providing an immersive learning experience, focusing on the practical aspects necessary for a successful career in nursing. The university charges international students an annual tuition of approximately €7,000. 

However, to make education more attainable, Centria offers scholarships that can reduce these costs by up to half, significantly lessening the financial impact on students and making it a compelling choice for those seeking an affordable nursing education.

Estimated Tution Fee: €7,000


How much is tuition fee for nursing in Finland?

 Tuition fees for nursing programs in Finland can vary depending on the university and the level of study (Bachelor’s, Master’s, etc.). For EU/EEA citizens, education in Finland is generally tuition-free at public universities, including nursing programs.  

Which university in Finland has the lowest tuition fees?

The tuition fees for nursing programs may vary among universities in Finland, and what is considered the “lowest” tuition fee can change over time. However, some universities in Finland offer relatively lower tuition fees compared to others. It’s advisable to research multiple universities and compare their tuition fees to find the most affordable option for your specific circumstances.

What are the requirements to study nursing in Finland?

The requirements to study nursing in Finland may vary depending on the university and the specific program. Generally, prospective students are required to have a secondary school diploma or equivalent qualification.  

Which country is best and cheap to study nursing?

 Several countries offer high-quality nursing education at relatively affordable costs. Some popular destinations for studying nursing include the Philippines, India, Malaysia, Thailand, and some European countries like Germany and Norway. 

 Is Finland a good country to study nursing?

Finland is known for its high-quality education system, advanced healthcare infrastructure, and strong emphasis on healthcare research. Studying nursing in Finland offers students the opportunity to receive a top-notch education in a modern and innovative healthcare environment.  


In conclusion, Finland is a great option for international students looking to study nursing on a budget. With tuition fees that are significantly lower than many other countries, and a high standard of living that is still relatively affordable, Finland offers an excellent value for money. Additionally, the quality of education in Finland is world-class, and there are many scholarships available for international students. If you are looking for an affordable and high-quality education, Finland should definitely be at the top of your list

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